Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Letter from the Missionary! is Wednesday..and it's Kevin's P-day. I got an email from him with some pictures of what Elders do on P-day...and I thought I would share them..they're pretty funny and you'll get a good kick out of them! He also sent a picture of his bike tire from his email last week...which is a really neat story! In case you didn't get a it is:
"Fast and testimony meeting in the Washington DC 3rd ward is always an adventure. over 70% of the members are new converts to the church of only 5 years or less. there is always this sweet old lady that stands up every month to give her testimony. Sis. Mack is very old and loves to sing. Every month she gets up there and sings the same short song. "you got to stand your test and judgement, you got to stand it for yourself, nobody else, can stand it for you, you Got to stand, for yourself" She then will end with" No one can stand it for you, But Grandma is here to help, you father is here to help, your mother us here to help. You may stand it for yourself, but people are always there to help along the way." That was sunday, but let me tell you about yesterday. bed bugs, Seria and siteria, bike, Afican food.FUFU. In the afternoon, we had an appointment with a Less-active at his house. While teaching, My compantion saw a bug Crawl across his pant leg. He stood up to try and get it off...with lonts of bouncing and jumping and shaking the pants. When we lest I asked what that was all about. He said it was a bed Bug.(bed bug bite in the middle of the night and leave nasty little red bumps). Then we ended up finding a great family that was in need of help moving into the top floor of their new appartment. 10 flights of stairs, no problem. The we went on our way to a dinner appointment and locked our bikes up to a poll before we went in........(I know this is long but it will all come together in the end).....The food was Real African food and everything had to be eaten with our hands. Rice, beans, FUFU, the whole Shabang! That was a Mess but sure was good. After the appointment, we had a little surprize outside for us. Some one had tried to steal out bikes. I've already had that happen 2 times. This time they couldn't get it off the poll, so they decided to break my back tire. It is now in a "S" shape. I had to carry my bike back home 13 city blooks. now, on the way home, we ran into the family that we helped move in, and they stopped us and told us that they want us to come back. WHAT a blessing, If my bike would have been working, we would have been Riding down the hill too fast to have been stopped by them. So that was really cool. Now to end to story and pull everything together....Elder Mayfield and I woke up this morning to find small red bumps on our legs...I wonder where those came from.All in all, It was a good week. Today we went to the temple, then went the mall near the capital to play some Football with a bunch of elders!Well my time is up, I'll talk to you all later!
Love ya all.Kevin"
Hope ya'll are having a WONDERFUL day!

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