Sunday, August 16, 2009

We Are Doing a Great Work and Cannot Come Down!

So today is Sunday, and I was doing some reading from the Conference Ensign from May 2009 and I read President Uchtdorf's talk, "We Are Doing a Great Work and Cannot Come Down" that he gave during the Priesthood session. I totally recommend it to anyone! Some of my favorite quotes included:

  • He begins by telling a story of a plane that crashed in the Florida Everglades about 36 years ago. The reason for the crash was that a light had failed to illuminate that would indicate whether or not the nose landing gear had extended successfully. In the process of investigating this lightbulb, the pilots "became so preoccupied with their search that they failed to realize the plane was gradually descending closer and closer toward the dark swamp below...Everything was working properly- all except one thing: a single burned-out light-bulb...The malfunctioning lightbulb didn't cause the accident; it happened because the crew placed its focus on something that seemed to matter at the moment while losing sight of what mattered most"

  • "The tendency to focus on the insignificant at the expense of the profound happens not only to pilots but to everyone...Our weakness is in failing to align our actions with our conscience"

  • "Are you focused on the things that matter most? How you spend your quiet time may provide a valuable clue"

  • "What are the things that distract you from your duties or hinder you from magnifying your calling more diligently?"

  • "We need balance in life."

  • "We cannot and must not allow oursleves to get distracted from our sacred duty. We cannot and we must not lose focus on the things that matter most"

  • "I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down" (Nehemiah 6:3)

  • "There is always room for improvement"

  • "What could be accomplished in our personal lives, in our professional lives, in our families, in our wards and branches if we became true representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ"

  • "It is easy to become distracted- to become focused on one burned-out lightbulb or the impolite acts of unkind people, whatever their motive may be"

  • "God lives and is mindful of each one of us"

These are just a few of the quotes that I really liked...I really encourage you to read it...especially with all that each of us is going through at this time. I bare testimony that God loves each and everyone of us..and his Son, Jesus Christ, died for us so that we could have the Atonement in order to improve our own lives and become more like Him. I know that this church is true with all of my heart and I am so blessed to have it in my life.

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